CISCO Academy - Chapter 2 Exam

11:18 AM

Hey sobat semua yang masih setia berkunjung di blog saya yang sederhana ini. Semoga kalian selalu di berikan kesempatan untuk menengok info - info penting yang saya bagikan pada sobat semua. Sebenarnya saya sudah lama ingin menulis artikel agar blog ini tidak sepi pengunjung. Tapi apalah daya jika jadwal kuliah dan kegitan saya sangat padat yang pada akhirnya membuat saya tidak sempat untuk menulis. Tapi tak tahu kenapa, keinginan saya untuk menulis malam ini sangatlah besar. Alhasil saya tuliskan beberapa paragraf yang terdiri dari kalimat - kalimat penting.

Oke, di malam sesunyi ini, aku sendiri, menulis artikel lagi. Haha, seperti lagunya band sebelah ya. Jangan ngawur, kali ini saya mau benaran nulis sesuatu yang bermanfaat buat sobat -sobat mahasiswa khususnya jurusan teknik informatika. Sebelum saya berbagi informasi yang bermanfaat, saya mau berbagi sebuah cerita pada sobat sekalian. Kurang lebih seperti ini ceritanya.

Setiap kejadian, pasti ada filosofi nya, bukan ? Nah, saya menulis artikel ini juga ada filosofinya. Ketika saya mendapatkan tugas dari dosen saya yang berkompeten di bidang hardware & software. Saya mendapatkan tugas yaitu mengerjakan Examination alias Ujian yang disediakan pada setiap bab oleh CISCO Academy. Exam ini nantinya sebagai tolok ukur dari hasil kita belajar yang nantinya akan digunakan untuk menentukan nilai maupun standar kelulusan di CISCO Academy. Syukur alhamdulillah saya mampu mengerjakan Exam tersebut dengan mendapatkan nilai yang sempurna yaitu 100 persen. Kurang lebih seperti itu filosofinya sobat semua.

Pada artikel ini, saya akan berbagi bagaimana cara mengerjakan Exam Chapter 2 yang diberikan oleh CISCO Academy. Ada yang perlu diperhatikan sebelum sobat mengerjakan Exam, antara lain :
  1. Pastikan Exam yang akan anda kerjakan sudah di buka oleh instruktur sobat. Jika belum, sobat bisa langsung menghubungi instruktur sobat.
  2. Perhatikan waktu yang diberikan pada setiap Exam. Misalnya exam yang ada pada Chapter 2 yang sudah saya kerjakan memberikan waktu pengerjaan kurang lebih 1 jam.
  3. Selama Exam masih di buka oleh instruktur sobat, maka sobat bisa mengulang sampai beberapa kali untuk memaksimalkan penilaian dari Exam yang sobat kerjakan. Misal pada kesempatan pertama, sobat mendapatkan skor 50 persen, sobat bisa mengerjakan lagi untuk memperoleh hasil yang maksimal atau lebih tinggi dari penilaian sebelumnya.
  4. Selalu perhatikan waktu ketika sobat mengerjakan Exam, karena jika sobat sudah melewati batas waktu yang di tentukan maka sobat tidak dapat mengerjakan soal selanjtunya.
Setelah memperhatikan beberapa poin di atas saya berharap sobat bisa menyelesaikan soal - soal yang telah disediakan CISCO Academy di setiap chapter nya. Baiklah, tanpa harus berlama - lama dan berbasa - basi lagi, alangkah baiknya jika saya langsung membahas soal - soal dari CISCO Academy ini. Berikut adalah soal dari Exam Chapter 2 beserta pembahasannya.

  1. A new technician has joined the IT team and is about to service a heavy printer. What advice would you give this technician to avoid any injury when transporting the heavy printer to the service area?
    • Bend your knees to use the strength in your legs to lift the printer.
    • Avoid bending your knees when lifting the printer.
    • Bend your back to pick the printer up.
    • Use your arms and back to lift the printer.
  2. How does an inline UPS protect computer equipment against electrical power brownouts and blackouts?
    • by grounding excess electrical voltage
    • by using a battery to supply a constant level of voltage
    • by switching from main power to a standby power source
    • by stopping the flow of voltage to the computer
  3. Which circumstance increases the likelihood of ESD damage to a computer?
    • working in low levels of humidity
    • using a magnetic screwdriver while working on a hard drive
    • plugging a printer into an UPS
    • self grounding against the computer case
  4. Which condition refers to a reduced voltage level of AC power that lasts for an extended period of time?
    • brownout
    • sag
    • spike
    • surge
  5. What are two significant sources of EMI? (Choose two.)
    • infrared mice
    • RAM modules
    • electrical storms
    • LCD monitors
    • power lines
  6. A technician is unpacking a new PCIe video adapter from an antistatic bag to install the card in a desktop computer. Which two measures should the technician use to protect the card and other computer components? (Choose two.)
    • Use a grounded mat on the workbench.
    • Use a correctly connected antistatic wrist strap.
    • Shield the card and computer from sources of EMI.
    • Ensure that the workplace has a low humidity environment.
    • Connect the computer to a UPS while installing the card.
  7. How should a technician dispose of an empty inkjet printer cartridge?
    • Refill it.
    • Throw it away.
    • Follow local regulations for disposal.
    • Give it back to the customer.
  8. What makes CRT monitor disposal dangerous for a technician who is handling the disposal?
    • potential breathing hazards
    • potential explosive materials
    • potential residual high voltage
    • potential health-damaging chemicals
  9. A technician is troubleshooting connectivity issues to a PC and needs to verify which cable is plugged into the correct port of the patch panel. What tool should the technician use?
    • multimeter
    • toner probe
    • punch down
    • crimper
  10. Which tool is designed to loosen or tighten crosshead screws?
    • phillips screwdriver
    • hex driver
    • flat head screwdriver
    • torx driver
  11. What tool would a technician use to remove a slotted screw?
    • flat head screwdriver
    • hex driver
    • needle-nosed pliers
    • Phillips head screwdriver
    • Torx screwdriver
  12. Which tool in Windows OS gives a technician access to initialize disks and create partitions?
    • Optimize Drives
    • Disk Cleanup
    • Disk Management
    • Format
    • Scandisk
  13. Which Windows OS tool scans the critical files of the operating system and replaces any files that have been corrupted?
    • Chkdsk
    • Defrag
    • Disk Cleanup
    • Disk Management
    • Scan System
    • System File Checker
  14. Which tool should be used if a user needs to optimize space on a hard drive?
    • Optimize Drives
    • Disk Management
    • Fdisk
    • Format
  15. Why is documentation of all services and repairs an important organizational tool for a technician?
    • It increases the cost of services and repairs.
    • It allows the public sharing of information on the Internet.
    • It reduces the technical skills required of new technicians.
    • It provides reference material for similar problems when they are encountered in the future.
  16. Which tool could potentially cause data loss on hard disk or floppy drives?
    • a magnetic screwdriver
    • compressed air
    • a lead pencil
    • a computer vacuum cleaner
  17. Why should an antistatic wrist strap be worn when working on electronic equipment?
    • to prevent interference from clothing and loose jewelry
    • to equalize the electrical charge between a person and the equipment
    • to prevent clothing made of silk, polyester, or wool from generating a static charge
    • to draw static electricity away from a component and transfer it safely from equipment to a grounding point
  18. Which precaution should be taken when working inside computer systems?
    • Avoid using magnetized tools.
    • Leave the power cord attached to an outlet for grounding.
    • Wear ESD protection to repair monitors in humid environments.
    • Avoid using ESD wrist straps and ESD mats simultaneously.
  19. Which cleaning solution is recommended to clean the contacts of computer components?
    • rubbing alcohol
    • isopropyl alcohol
    • glass cleaner with ammonia
    • water that is mixed with a small amount of dishwashing liquid
  20. Why should a pencil never be used as a tool when working inside a computer?
    • Pencil lead is corrosive.
    • Pencil lead is conductive.
    • A pencil can hold a static charge.
    • The lead in a pencil can induce current.
  21. A technician suspects that a power supply is faulty. How can it be checked?
    • by checking the temperature of the power supply
    • by using a multimeter
    • by taking apart the power supply
    • by powering up the PC after disconnecting each connector in turn
  22. Match the steps of fire extinguisher operation to the order in which they should be completed. (Not all options are used.)Question


Itulah pembahasan dari Exam Chapter 2 CISCO Academy. Semoga apa yang saya bagikan bisa bermanfaat bagi sobat sekalian dan membantu dalam menyelesaikan soal - soal yang diberikan. Sekian dulu artikel kali ini, jika ada lebih kurangnya mohon maaf. Akhir kata saya ucapkan terima kasih telah berkunjung di blog saya.

"Sebuah ilmu tidak akan bermanfaat jika kita tidak membagikannye kepada sesama dan orang lain yang membutuhkan"


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  1. "How does an inline UPS protect computer equipment against electrical power brownouts and blackouts?"

    Yes it does use a battery to protect mission critical equipment from brownouts and blackouts, and for supplemental info: aside that some also offer surge protection along with voltage regulation. It ain't cheap but hey it does the job real well, But I doubt its practicality for daily use. I've written an article about
    the decisions involved when buying a UPS as protective equipment
    if you're interested to figure out why it's not the be all, and all solution to power problems.


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